
Showing posts from May, 2019

Momentary Blindness (Giardino degli Aranci)

The cold bench underneath my bottom gave me a prime spot to sit down and reflect on this environment. I scraped my hands on the bench to feel the indentations and smooth corners. The peter patter of rain drops on the ground gave me the mind space to go on this adventure of momentary blindness. They also watered me down like a flower when they landed on my head. I could hear people asking each other in English if they should take another photo of the view. There seems to be a guy on my right side that is shouting stuff in Italian. He goes on for a minute and stays off for a minute to give himself a break. I constantly hear people walking through the gravel which is the most distinct sound of them all because at any moment I can hear the gravel being shuffled around. In the distance, I kept hearing the cawing of birds. It seems to me that the birds were arguing with one another because they kept going on and on. The cawing became louder and louder as the argument progressed. It cou

Ekphrasis (Capitoline Museum)

I take a moment to stop playing my cythara I put my hand on top of it   Today is my birthday, I turned 21 in god years I put on my “birthday suit” before going out to play some tunes on the portico I look out into the distance as I reevaluate my life “Just the tip” they said That could not be more far from the truth… I can no longer pee standing up I am not a God nor a man My ugly dog looks in awe at what once was With his eagle eyes and short mane I may have to give him the same treatment soon if he continues to have babies with the strays At least I still have my luscious locks of hair on my head I brush my hands through them and contemplate on my workout routine I have missed leg day too many times this month and it’s starting to show My legs look like the end of a drumstick I will start next week…   I am disgusted with myself I am going to put this cloth over myself so no one will be ashamed to have seen me I see my father in the distance

Voyeur (Piazza San Pietro)

She is waiting in line to enter St. Peter’s Basilica. I can see that she is growing impatient and probably asking herself why she didn’t arrive earlier to beat the long line. It was her husband that delayed their arrival to the Piazza as it looks like he jumped out of bed and put whatever on. She took her time in the morning to put on her mascara, moisturize her face, and foundation. He, on the other hand, is wearing a shirt that says “ROMA” and a yellow baseball cap with the Nautica symbol on it. She is passing the time by taking selfies of them with a selfie stick. He does not look too pleased with the number of photos that she is taking, but just goes with it just to make up for his lateness. They are a young couple that have been married for a relatively short time. The wife has short, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a snub nose with red Fendi glasses on. She has a cardigan on to hide her shoulders and exposed stomach from the fashion police that she is about to interact with.

Momentary Blindness (Piazza Navona)

The hustle and bustle of this place that I sit in is anxiety inducing. It is an overload of sensations for me and I can’t seem to make sense of what is going on. So, I give myself a moment and I begin with deciphering the sounds of my surrounding. On my right side, I can hear someone yelling at someone in Italian during what I believe to be a phone call argument. There are people laughing in the background and in particular there is one person with a loud, shrieking laugh that surprises me. Some English speaking people walk past me and I hear what I presume to be a tour guide make a joke to their group that “let’s do a count of everyone, I don’t want to lose anyone on our first day.” I chuckle to myself and continue to hone in more closely to the sounds. I hear streams of water that seem to form a rhythm after enough of my attention is paid to it. I then move my attention to an accordion that suddenly starts playing Despacito by Luis Fonsi in the distance. I tap my feet to the h