
Showing posts from April, 2019

Giornale (Empire State Plaza, Albany)

The excursion began at the Case Center parking lot. Some people were excited and full of life, and others looked like they jumped out of the bed ten minutes prior. Professor Curley and Spinner gave us a brief on where we were going, and we were off to Albany. The ride to Albany was interesting. Joseph, Reshma, Frances and Emily were the people that I rode with. There were points with no buildings and just grass. I even saw a cow farm with about five cows out and about. We engaged in some conversation in the vehicle about what we are going to do when the field trip is over. The consensus was to get homework done and go to sleep. I jumped in and out of the conversation because I was distracted by my friend that kept trying to video call me. It was a fast ride to Albany. We arrived there in about 40 minutes and I knew we were there when I saw this gigantic, run down building. The windows were either partially or completely busted. Every time I go to Albany, I wonder what that building